E-Verify Executive Order Upheld in Rhode Island Superior Court

In March 2008, Rhode Island Governor Donald L. Carcieri signed Executive Order 08-01, requiring the Rhode Island Department of Administration to use E-Verify for all new hires of the Executive Branch. The order also required all persons and businesses, including grantees, contractors, sub-contractors and vendors doing business with the state of Rhode Island to register and use E-Verify. The order was subsequently challenged in court by the ACLU and a restraining order was sought to stop enforcement.

Yesterday, Governor Carcieri announced the Superior’s Court decision to deny the restraining order on the grounds that it did not “violate the Separation of Powers doctrine” nor “encroach upon the power of the General Assembly to enact laws regarding state contracts.”


The Governor’s Office also announced that the Department of Administration would immediately move forward to promulgate a purchasing regulation that expressly requires vendors who are doing business with the State of Rhode Island to use E-Verify.